Curious what’s selling in Sanford? We’ve got the most important real estate market stats for Zip Codes 32771 and 32773 right here – and in simple and easy to digest format!
For those who want to dig deeper, scroll down all the way to download the complete sortable data spreadsheet!
In the month of January 2020, 90 homes sold on MLS.
- The average sales price for homes (including Single Family Homes, Townhomes and Condos) sold in January 2020 in Sanford, FL was $255,074.
- The average sold price per square foot was $137.54.
- The average days on market was 87 days.
- The lowest priced home in Sanford was a 2/2 Condo of 975 Square Feet. It sold for $87,000.
- The highest priced home in Sanford last month was a Single Family Home of 5,473 Square Feet. It sold for $1,120,000.
Click here for a list and map view of all sold homes in Sanford, FL for January 2020.
As usual, please let us know if you have any questions or would like more information about any of these homes. Jose and I would love to help you with all your real estate needs. You can call or text us at 407-340-6458 or leave a comment below!
Look what’s PENDING in Sanford
Let’s take a quick look at a home that is currently pending in Sanford. This beautifully remodeled contemporary Arthur Rutenberg home in the exclusive award-winning gated community of Lake Forest… .