Shame on me for not visiting Ellen’s Wine Room much sooner! I had planned on going so many times but somehow it never happened! Well, after tonight I vow to not stay away from Ellen’s Wine Room for too long.
It was a rainy evening so that made the already super cozy interior even more cozy! In fact, I don’t think I know of a cozier place in Sanford. It felt like sitting in a friend’s living room while enjoying a glass of wine. On top of that we were also welcomed like old friends. Ellen’s WIne Room is just the right place to have a good long conversation with a friend. Even though I am not typically a wine drinker I enjoyed the wine that was recommended a lot. For all you beer drinkers, there is also beer available!
Then there is also Wine Swap Tuesdays, a very popular event every Tuesday evening at Ellen’s Wine Room. You pay for a great dinner (which changes every week) and buy a bottle of wine which you then share with everyone attending. Don’t worry every guest also shares their bottle so you get to sample a lot of great fine wines while enjoying delicious food.
Ellen’s Wine Room, 440 S Sanford Ave, Sanford, FL 32771 – (407) 936-1705
I know that Sanford Avenue is currently under construction but please know that ALL businesses are open!! Now is a good time to support them!