It’s always nice to come home after a looong trip, especially if this trip happens to be your first trip with your baby! We were out of town for 3 weeks and only now I am realizing how long that really was. Here are some of the things that have made it very hard for me to get back on track…
- Our home still has the Christmas lights up and is basically decorated as if Santa’s coming next week…
- While N has finally recovered from a bad cold and ear infection, Jose and I have caught some bug on the airplane ride home and are sneezing all over the place (needless to say, we are trying to avoid N catching this thing in order to avoid some nasty “ping-pong” cold scenario)
- The pile on my home office desk is STILL there…no idea why I thought it was going to magically disappear during my absence. I guess I will have to work it off after all.
- As relaxing as some of my vacation pictures look, I have to say, we hardly relaxed on this vacation and I am ready for a “real” one.
Today I am finally starting activity on Sanford365 again, sorry for the long break! I am catching up with everything this week so hopefully I will be back on track at least on this project by the weekend.
Here are some of the upcoming events you don’t want to miss (I will blog about them shortly):
- Love Your Shorts Film Festival from February 10-12 (I so can’t wait for this one!!)
- Alive After Five’s Pardi Gras on February 9th
- Sanford Art Walk on January 27th
- Valentine’s Day in Sanford (this is the 2010 post, but you get the idea, right?)
- 8th Annual Cars for the Cure on February 4th at Colonial Town Park
I hope you all had a wonderful start into the new year – may 2012 be a great one for all of us 😉
PS: Here a little taste of where we spent the last 3 weeks… Colombia!