On Day 131 I had blogged about the road construction on Sanford’s First Street. Well, the project is finished and it’s looking great. First Street now features beautiful brick pavers right from its start at 17-92/French Avenue. This ties the downtown area together and adds even more historic charm to Sanford. Thanks at this point to Debra of the new Hot Pots store on First Street for the tip!
Save the date: The official First Street opening party will take place on Saturday, July 25th. It’s an all day street party event so swing by and take a look at the improved downtown area of Sanford.The official ribbon cutting ceremony will take place at 9am. There will be life entertainment and all businesses will be open for product sales, demonstrations and more. Of course, as every Saturday in Sanford, there will also be the Farmers Market on Magnolia Square.
Now all we need is some more stores, restaurants and bars 🙂 Can’t wait for that to happen!