Live, Work, Play in Sanford Sign

Walking around downtown Sanford I am sure you have noticed more and more of the Sanford “Live, Work, Play”-signs. It’s a great idea to remind us all how important it is to support the place where we all live.

Since we all live (and many of us work) in Sanford, why not also try to play here whenever we can? I am proud to say that I try each and every day to keep my business in Sanford. I also suggest Sanford to many of my friends when we meet up so that they can get to know and fall in love with our town as well.

So here’s my challenge to you: try for just one month to keep your business in Sanford whenever you can. Eat out at the local restaurants, shop at Seminole Town Center and call a local business if you need any service done in your home or elsewhere. Show Sanford some love and give back 😉


Claudia, your neighbor in Sanford

PS: Currently you can purchase these “Neighborhood Solidarity Signs” for $5 at

  • City Hall Utility Office
  • Chamber of Commerce Office
  • Sanford Welcome Center
  • Goldsboro Welcome Center
  • Maya Books & Music, 201 East 1st Street
  • Sanford Farmers Market (every Saturday 9am-2pm on Magnolia Square)