The Historic Sanford Welcome Center is located on First Street. You could probably best compare the Welcome Center as Sanford Tourist Information center, only that the Historic Sanford Welcome Cneter does so much more. For example, it organizes popular Sanford events like Alive After Five (therefore often referred to as the headquarters of the famous Alive After Five street party) and helps to revitalize the historic Sanford downtown area.
Inside the building you will find lots of information about Sanford, including info about arts, culture, history and community events throughout the year. If you are interested in Sanford, FL and what it’s all about, the Historic Welcome Center should be your first stop.
Opening Hours:
Monday-Friday 11am – 5pm
Saturday 9am-5pm
Sunday 12pm-5pm
Phone: 407-302-2586
The next event organized by the Historic Sanford Welcome Center is the Re-do of the Sanford Oktoberfest on November 13th from 5pm – 9pm.