When IKEA finally opened in Orlando last year (2007), I think many of us could not wait to get to the store, right? It meant a lot to me to see another European store opening in this area and the way everyone got really excited about it. What can I say, I have been a fan of IKEA in Europe and will stay a fan of them here as well. Affordable and trendy, at times overwhelming because of all the choices. But that’s alright… Now where are you, H&M? Don’t let me wait too long – please!
It’s funny, when I got to IKEA this time I had my furniture already picked out (online and catalog) and thought it would be a quick visit. Well, as I started walking through the showcase I kind of changed my mind – about 10 times! 3 hours and numerous shopping lists later, I still hadn’t made up my mind and decided to call it a night (also because they were closing…I wish IKEA was open 24/7). So I will be back this week again. I am pretty sure I know now what we need for our new office. And along the way I will probably pick up some smaller items and decoration.
Genereal Info:
Address: IKEA Orlando, 4092 Eastgate Drive, Orlando, FL 32839
Directions: Take I-4, Conroy Road Exit, East of I-4 right by the Mall at Millenia (30 Minutes from Sanford)Phone: 407-355-3155
Orlando IKEA Store Hours:
Mon – Sat: 10 am – 9 pm
Sun: 11 am – 7 pm
Here’s a little good to know list:
- IKEA delivers! Yes, they do, and I wish I had known that before (long story…)! A 400 pounds IKEA delivery to Sanford will cost you about $70. For every additional pound they’ll charge you $0.08, very reasonable and believe me, this will save you lots of time and make it so much more convenient. They’ll even bring it into your home!! Remember to tip!
- The classic: bring comfortable shoes! Can’t mention that enough because it’s a long way along the arrows and you might run back the path several times to compare different pieces.
- For those of you who don’t like the cold: bring a sweater! Even though I am always running around a lot, I always start freezing at this IKEA store. Is it because we’re supposed to experience Sweden, not only through Skandinavian furniture design and style, but also through cooler temperatures? (But who am I telling this, I have been fighting low AC temperatures ever since I moved to the US)
- Measure your rooms and draw down a little layout map of your space. It will come in very handy. If possible, try to go online (ikea.com) and pick your furniture there so get an idea of what you want; just like me you might change your mind once there but it will still save you time and instead of coming back one time you might have to come back 2 or 3 times.
- Try to be there early, if possible on a weekday – yes, weekends are still crowded…Depending on what you need you may get done in one day.
- IKEA has food! Love those Swedish meatballs…
Just some ideas, you may have your own tips; feel free to share here. A video will follow soon! And now, Happy Shopping, long live IKEA, viva IKEA!!
- Ikea in Orlando
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