New Year's Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions

So this is the last day of 2008 – a pretty good year. Altogether I was happy with 2008, and I am hoping for a 2009 that is at least as good – if not better. As usual, the night of the 31st we got ready to write down our resolutions. I guess everyone has their own beliefs and traditions about new year’s resolutions and how the “ceremony” of resolution and wishes is fulfilled. I am pretty simple here, write it down on a piece of paper (and believe it or not in all those years I have never managed to write on a new, fresh peice of paper) and keep the paper until the next year to see which resolutions were fulfilled and which wishes came true.

Other traditions I heard of at the annual family reunion at a farm somewhere in Villavicencio were either burning the list or reading the list while eating the 12 grabes to every stroke at midnight.

Well, all that counts is that we all stay healthy this year, that always comes first. Among my resolutions for this year are for example cooking healthier for Jose (note: not for me! I am still a pasta freak!), being punctual (this will be hard), starting my days earlier in order to get more accomplished (I am still trying to convince myself on that one because getting up earlier also means going to bed earlier, so in the end you accomplish the same only at a different time), shop less (the hardes of all), take better pictures and build more web sites. My hobby resolution is to learn how to play the guitar and improve my Salsa dancing skills. We’ll see how that goes, but I think it should be fun 🙂

HAPPY NEW YEAR to ALL OF YOU!!! Hope 2009 is filled with health, luck and all the success you deserve!! Cheers!

Below some more pictures of the daytime celebration on December 31st…

Pily and Sandra

Pily and Sandra