Today we attended our first Food Truck Bazaar in Oviedo. There will be a post coming up soon about those wonderful little events and our experience there. Just know so much: we had a great time and will definitely go again! I love food trucks – not only because they are super trendy yet so casual, but also because you can find some excellent fresh food at each of these lovable little trucks.
For now, click here for a bit more info about Orlando’s Food Trucks… the next ones in Oviedo are coming up on October 9, 2011 and November 13, 2011.
On a side note: today was the 10 year anniversary of 9/11. Where were you 10 years ago? It’s the one thing most of us have in common: we know where we were on 9/11/2001, sadly for a terrible reason.
So where was I? I was living in Madrid at the time, doing an internship and trying to work on my, back then, very poor Spanish. I remember feeling scared about being alone in a foreign country just when all of this happened – I got very worried about the possibility of a world war and about being stuck in Spain, without my family and friends. I also remember feeling deeply connected to the American people and my longing to one day live in the US got even stronger during those dark days.
Where were you on 9/11 and what did this day mean to you?