Jose and I have aways loved traveling the world! Now that we have kids it has become a lot harder to travel (even though not impossible as my recent trip to Germany alone with two toddlers proved), so we currently prefer to enjoy short trips, for example a pedicab ride from Ireland to India – right here in downtown Sanford! How that is possible, you ask? Well, just head downtown, grab your official passport (available at participating locations listed below) and embark on a (culinary) adventure through Sanford. This fantastic idea, brain child of creative marketing genius Mike Smith of the Imperial (yes, the same guy that brought us Sofas & Suds), is called “Downtown Sanford – Small World”. It started in July and is going strong!
How to travel the world in Downtown Sanford:
- Head to Downtown Sanford any day of the week while Downtown Sanford – Small World is still running and get started at any of the 7 participating countries (=bars/restaurants) by picking up your passport and ordering your first drink/food special.
– Ireland – The Quiet Man Irish Pub and Eatery (2nd Street)
– India – The Imperial at Washburn Imports (First Street)
– Italy – Marco Dino’s (Magnolia Square)
– Germany – Hollerbach’s Willow Tree Cafe (First Street)
– USA – Celery City (Palmetto Ave)
– The Seas – Little Fish Huge Pond (Sanford Ave)
– Belgium – Buster’s Bistro (Sanford Ave) - Prices range from $5 to $15 per person at each location depending on what is offered that day. Once you have consumed your libation and fare ask the server to put a stamp on your passport.
- You have 2 weeks to finish your trip around the world, 7 days a week. Once you have collected all 7 stamps, head over to the Sanford Brew Shop (115 S Magnolia Ave) to collect your prize: a Downtown Sanford – Small World t-shirt. Then wear it with pride all over town, county, state, country, and world!
- On weekends, use one of the two pedicabs cruising through downtown to get from one spot to the next (especially great when traveling between First Street and Sanford Avenue). If you can’t find them, have them called to your current “country” by the bartender/server. And please remember to tip! Those guys are pedaling really hard for you!!
- Picture it like this: It’s like Epcot’s Food & Wine Festival, only cooler (and cheaper). It also makes for a fabulous date night!!
We started our date night at The Quiet Man. I am so in love with this little pub (we have been here before of course, it was especially great watching some of the non Germany World Cup games here)! Since it was Friday night we were lucky and got to enjoy some amazing live music. The Downtown Sanford Small World deal of the day was a draft of Irish beer and a mini shepherd’s pie (for $10)! I know the Quiet Man doesn’t actually have a kitchen on location, but those shepherd pies were really great!
Our next stop was Celery City, another new favorite of mine (oh well, let’s be honest, aren’t all of Sanford’s bars and restaurants my favorites?). It was Jose’s first time though at Celery City and he loved the laid back vibe and especially the back patio/deck. We had two craft beers off their looong list of beers and then tried to hail a pedicab to take us to Little Fish Huge Pond. We were not lucky because, obviously, these cute little bikes, imported from Bali by the Imperial at Washburn Imports, were in high demand that night. Did I mention it was a rainless summer night with a nice lake breeze?
So, we decided to walk all the way from the USA to The Seas (now, what exact location in the world that is, I am not sure, but it really wasn’t too far to walk to on this beautiful night). At Little Fish Huge Pond we enjoyed a great conversation with some very friendly Sanfordites while enjoying their special of the night (a choice of craft beer and a shot).
Now, technically this was already enough for me (drink wise), but we really HAD to try the pedicab and had it called over by Mo. Highlight of my night because it was my very first time in a pedicab and it was such a great feeling riding down Sanford Avenue and First Street on my “virgin ride” by night.
Jose of course had to try pedaling himself as well and said it was quite hard to do, so kudos to the guys chauffeuring guests through town every weekend. They really deserve a good tip!
We ended the night at the Imperial (where else) and enjoyed a delicious hand crafted cocktail.
We deliberately picked bars for our first outing so that we can finish our world trip with the kids next week. So left on our list are the kids friendly places, Hollerbach’s Willow Tree Cafe, Buster’s Bistro and Marco Dino’s. I am sure we will be able to share our international fare with the kids while enjoying a beer and early evening in Sanford.
My recommendation: do this soon and do it often! It is tons of FUN and Downtown Sanford is always worth a visit!
Yours sincerely,
Claudia – World Traveler and Sanford Expert 😉