This picture/post is really not related to Sanford or living in the Sanford/Central Florida area, but just a personal entry related to my 365 project itself (therefore in category Personal), the challenge of taking a picture a day and what is currently important or just happening in my life. So unless you want to know about that part I suggest you just skip to another day 🙂 (Really!)
For anyone who knows me it might be strange enough that I am actually reading a book these days. Shame on me, but in the past 4 years I have read exactly 2 books (both of them had been recommended by friends several times, and by that I mean not only 3 or 4 times altogether but rather 3 or 4 times a week and only with that pressure was it possible to even get me to start…). I made it through those 2 books and enjoyed it for the time being, even though I honestly had to push myself sometimes.
So when a friend (and actually later on another friend) recommended Twilight by Stephenie Meyer I was willing to give it a try because I give importance to recommendations of friends, even though, as mentioned above, it can be hard sometimes to get me to read. I went to the closest bookstore and grabbed a copy of this New York Times Bestseller, not really knowing what I was going to get into… Admittedly, another motivation was the soon to be released motion picture of the book and I kind of found some interest in it and didn’t want to spoil the book for me by watching the movie first and then reading the book, because that is always risky (and for me never goes well). So with that in mind I started the book mid October with the deadline of the movie release in mind – I was hoping I could somehow get the book done by then.
And then the miracle happened …
Never before in my entire life have I found so much joy reading a book! I devoured the book in a week, actually pacing myself down in order not to have it end too soon. I don’t know what happened, and it truly may be a once in a lifetime experience for me because I doubt that I have now turned into a book lover. However, what this book has done to me is beyond the incredible. Now since I don’t want to talk too much here about the actual story, of course, with your best interest in mind, I can only encourage you – in case you are like me a magazine/online news/text book reader (yes, I LOVE to read text books!) – to give this book a try and see if it can perform the same magic on you!
The story truly made me feel like like a teenager in high school again, a feeling long lost, yet unconsciously missed. I have to warn you though: it is addictive and I am, after reading the second book of the series, New Moon, in only 2 days, a Twilight series junkie and currently looking for ways out of the “addiction”. I am starting the third book, Eclipse, tomorrow and have set rules to overcome the temptation: 1.5 hours/day on weekdays and 2 hours on the weekend in exchange for any type of TV – so all my shows are canceled. Yes, I am guilty of watching one or the other show during the week to distract myself at the end of a long day with some mindlessness. That is the only way I can extend the joy of reading those books and to actually also focus on my everyday life that has become shockingly unimportant compared to the story of the protagonist.
But hey, I can stop anytime…
Ok, I hope you understand that I am exaggerating a bit here, but only a bit 🙂 I will soon get back to normal (=one novel every other year, oh, but wait, reading the entire series I am about to read 4 novels this year, or should I say potentially before this month is over – that could mean no books for me until 2016)