I cannot remember how often I have wanted to take a picture of the Riverwalk mural already. Essentially, every time I drove by I heard this little voice saying “Stop right now and take the picture!”. But for some reason there was always an excuse. The car behind me, the kids, too dark, the rain, you name it! Well, this time I listened to that inner voice of mine and hit the breaks (not too abruptly of course, because, remember, that car behind me…). I was so happy I almost did a somersault on the grass. Take picture of Riverwalk mural – check.
About The Author
Hi, my name is Claudia! I live, work and play in Sanford, FL. To top it all off, I am also totally in love with Sanford! My husband Jose and I are Realtors in Sanford, FL and help people realize their dreams of home ownership. We have two sons, Nicolas (2011) and Lukas (2013). I am originally from Germany, moved here in 2004. In 2008 I started Sanford365.com. I love everything that says creativity. Design is my passion, no matter if Graphic, Web or Fashion Design - and I am also into photography :) I'm also very social and love to hang out with my family and friends, be it for a kids play date or a fun night out ;)
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