CONTEST RUNS THROUGH Jan. 16 – Feb. 6, 2019
Congratulations to the winning couple, Mike & Tracy! You can read more about them and see where to follow them on their date nights here…
12 date nights – 1 date night per month for a year!
BIG NEWS! We are now accepting applications for YOU to become our official Sanford Date Night Ambassadors!
Essentially that means you get to go on date nights in Sanford ALL.YEAR. LONG. That’s right! We have put together a (suggested) “date night itinerary” for a lucky local couple to explore Sanford’s hottest dating spots and activities, for free! If your entry gets picked you are the lucky winner of a prize package valued at over $1,500!! And all you have to do in return is to agree to share your date night experiences with your friends and us (so we can share with our friends and followers). This prize was made possible by all the generous participating businesses of Sanford so we want to show them some love by reporting back to them about your date night experience, and of course tagging them.
What exactly do we mean by “sharing”? How exactly does this work? We’re so glad you asked!
Sanford Date Night Ambassadors
Submit a photo and short “story” telling us a little bit about you (How did you meet? What do you enjoy doing together? Tell us a crazy/fun/inspiring story about you and your relationship) and why you think you are the perfect match for Sanford365 as our date night ambassadors! (Please make your submission at least one paragraph long).
Winners must agree to the following:
Below are our suggested date night itineraries we’ve put together for you, but we leave it up to you to mix and match around as you see fit! Obviously events (Love Your Shorts Movie Festival, Pints n’ Paws, Oktoberfest and Sofas & Suds) with specific dated will have to be attended the day of the event so please make sure you are available!
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