I couldn’t believe it when I walked by the other day, but Kat O’Brien’s, the famous Irish Pub that used to be one of the hot spots in Downtown Orlando and then moved to Lake Mary, is now located right here in Sanford on First Street! I was shocked to hear that Two Blondes and a Shrimp, one of my favorite restaurants downtown had closed – but to see Kat O’Brien’s opening in their former location made the farewell only half as hard. I think this location is simply wonderful, especially the courtyard, open to First Street. I cannot wait to celebrate St. Patty’s day here next year! Why isn’t is March already??
About The Author
Hi, my name is Claudia! I live, work and play in Sanford, FL. To top it all off, I am also totally in love with Sanford! My husband Jose and I are Realtors in Sanford, FL and help people realize their dreams of home ownership. We have two sons, Nicolas (2011) and Lukas (2013). I am originally from Germany, moved here in 2004. In 2008 I started Sanford365.com. I love everything that says creativity. Design is my passion, no matter if Graphic, Web or Fashion Design - and I am also into photography :) I'm also very social and love to hang out with my family and friends, be it for a kids play date or a fun night out ;)
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